ei tirthe sankararanyera siddhi-prapti haila
prastave sri-ranga-puri eteka kahila
ei tirthe—in this holy place; sankararanyera—of Sankararanya; siddhi-prapti—attainment of perfection; haila—became fulfilled; prastave—in the course of conversation; sri-ranga-puri—Sri Ranga Puri; eteka—thus; kahila—spoke.
Sri Ranga Puri informed Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that the sannyasi named Sankararanya had attained perfection in that holy place, Pandarapura.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s elder brother was named Visvarupa.
He left home before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and accepted the sannyasa order under the name of Sankararanya Svami.
He traveled all over the country and finally went to Pandarapura, where he passed away after attaining perfection.
In other words, he entered the spiritual world after giving up his mortal body at Pandarapura.
Sri Ranga Puri, a disciple of Sri Madhavendra Puri and godbrother of Isvara Puri, disclosed this important news to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.