
’akrura kare tomara dosa, amaya kene kara rosa’, iha yadi kaha ’duracara’

tui akrura-murti dhari’, krsna nili curi kari’, anyera nahe aiche vyavahara


akrura—Akrura; kare—does; tomara dosa—fault to you; amaya—unto me; kene—why; kara—you do; rosa—anger; iha—this; yadi—if; kaha—you say; duracara—O misbehaved (Providence); tui—you; akrura-murti dhari’-taking the form of Akrura; krsna—Lord Krsna; nili—you have taken; curi kari’-stealing; anyera—of others; nahe—there is not; aiche—this type of; vyavahara—behavior "O misbehaved Providence! If you reply to us, ’Akrura is actually at fault; why are you angry with me?’ then I say to you, ’Providence, you have taken the form of Akrura and have stolen Krsna away.

No one else would behave like this.’