
madana-mohana-nata, pasari gandhera hata, jagan-nari-grahake lobhaya

vina-mulye deya gandha, gandha diya kare andha, ghara yaite patha nahi paya"


madana-mohana-nata—the dramatic player Madana-mohana; pasari—a dealer; gandhera hata—in a market of scents; jagat-nari—of the women of the whole world; grahake—to the customers; lobhaya—attracts; vina-mulye—without a price; deya—distributes; gandha—the scent; gandha diya—delivering the scent; kare andha—makes the customers blind; ghara yaite—to return home; patha—the path; nahi paya—do not find “The dramatic actor Madana-mohana has opened a shop of scents that attract the women of the world to be His customers.

He delivers the scents freely, but they make the women all so blind they cannot find the path returning home.”