petangi-gaya kare dandavat-namaskara
govinda kahe,--’srikanta, age petangi utara’
petangi—shirt and coat; gaya—on the body; kare—performs; dandavat-namaskara—offering of obeisances; govinda kahe—Govinda said; srikanta—my dear Srikanta; age—first; petangi utara—take off your shirt and coat.
When Srikanta offered obeisances to the Lord, he was still wearing his shirt and coat.
Therefore Govinda told him, “My dear Srikanta, first take off these garments.”
One is forbidden to enter the Deity room or offer anything to the Deity while wearing a shirt or coat in the tantras it is said:
vastrenavrta-dehas tu
yo narah pranamed dharim
svitri bhavati mudhatma