’dana-keli-kaumudi’ adi laksa-grantha kaila
sei saba granthe vrajera rasa vicarila
dana-keli-kaumudi—the book named Dana-keli-kaumudi; adi—beginning with; laksa—100,000; grantha—verses; kaila—compiled; sei—those; saba—all; granthe—in scriptures; vrajera—of Vrndavana; rasa vicarila—elaborately explained the transcendental mellows.
Srila Rupa Gosvami compiled 100,000 verses, beginning with the book Dana-keli-kaumudi.
In all these scriptures he elaborately explained the transcendental mellows of the activities of Vrndavana.
Referring to the words laksa-grantha (“100,000 verses”), Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura says that the total number of verses written by Srila Rupa Gosvami is 100,000 (eka-laksa or laksa-grantha).
The copyists count both the verses and the prose sections of the Sanskrit works.
One should not mistakenly think that Srila Rupa Gosvami compiled 100,000 books.
He actually wrote sixteen books, as mentioned in the First Wave of the Bhakti-ratnakara (sri-rupa-gosvami grantha sodasa karila).