tomara bapa-jyetha--visaya-vistha-gartera kida
sukha kari’ mane visaya-visera maha-pida
tomara—your; bapa—father; jyetha—his elder brother; visaya—of material enjoyment; vistha—stool; gartera—of the ditch; kida—worms; sukha kari’-as happiness; mane—they consider; visaya—of material enjoyment; visera—of the poison; maha-pida—the great disease "My dear Raghunatha dasa, your father and his elder brother are just like worms in stool in the ditch of material enjoyment, for the great disease of the poison of material enjoyment is what they consider happiness.
When a man is attached to material enjoyment, he is attached to many miserable conditions, but nevertheless he accepts his condemned position as one of happiness.
Sense enjoyment is so strong for such a person that he cannot give it up, exactly as a worm in stool cannot give up the stool.
From the spiritual point of view, when a person is too absorbed in material enjoyment, he is exactly like a worm in stool.
Although such a position is utterly miserable to the eyes of liberated souls, the materialistic enjoyer is greatly attached to it.