sakheti matva prasabham yad uktam
he krsna he yadava he sakheti
ajanata mahimanam tavedam
maya pramadat pranayena vapi
yac cavahasartham asat-krto ’si
eko ’thavapy acyuta tat-samaksam
tat ksamaye tvam aham aprameyam
sakha—friend; iti—thus; matva—thinking; prasabham—forcibly; yat—that which; uktam—was said; he krsna—O Krsna; he yadava—O descendant of Yadu; he sakha—O my dear friend; iti—thus; ajanata—without knowing; mahimanam—greatness; tava—Your; idam—this; maya—by me; pramadat—out of ignorance; pranayena—out of affection; va—or; api—certainly; yat—whatever; ca—and; avahasa-artham—for the matter of joking; asat-krtah—insulted; asi—You are; vihara—while enjoying; sayya-asana—sitting or lying on the bed; bhojanesu—while eating together; ekah—alone; athava—or; api—certainly; acyuta—O my dear Krsna; tat-samaksam—in the presence of others; tat—all those; ksamaye—ask pardon; tvam—unto You; aham—I; aprameyam—who are unlimited “ ’I have in the past addressed You as ”O Krsna,“ ”O Yadava,“ ”O my friend" without knowing Your glories.
Please forgive whatever I have done in madness or in love.
I have dishonored You many times while we were relaxing, lying on the same bed or eating together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends.
Please excuse me for all my offenses.’
This is a quotation from Bhagavad-gita (11.41-42).
In this verse, Arjuna is addressing Krsna, who was exhibiting His universal form on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra.