
krsnera adharamrta, krsna-guna-carita, sudha-sara-svada-vinindana

tara svada ye na jane, janmiya na maila kene, se rasana bheka jihva sama


krsnera—of Lord Krsna; adhara-amrta—the nectar of the lips; krsna—of Lord Krsna; guna—the qualities; carita—the activities; sudha-sara—of the essence of all nectar; svada—the taste; vinindana—surpassing; tara—of that; svada—the taste; ye—anyone who; na jane—does not know; janmiya—taking birth; na maila—did not die; kene—why; se—that; rasana—tongue; bheka—of the frog; jihva—the tongue; sama—like "The nectar from the lips of Lord Krsna and His transcendental qualities and characteristics surpass the taste of the essence of all nectar, and there is no fault in tasting such nectar.

If one does not taste it, he should die immediately after birth, and his tongue is to be considered no better than the tongue of a frog.