
guru--nana bhava-gana, sisya--prabhura tanu-mana, nana rite satata nacaya

nirveda, visada, dainya, capalya, harsa, dhairya, manyu, ei nrtye prabhura kala yaya


guru—the teacher; nana—various; bhava-gana—ecstasies; sisya—disciples; prabhura—of Lord Caitanya; tanu-mana—body and mind; nana—various; rite—in ways; satata—always; nacaya—causes to dance; nirveda—despondency; visada—moroseness; dainya—humility; capalya—restlessness; harsa—joy; dhairya—endurance; manyu—anger; ei—this; nrtye—in dancing; prabhura—of the Lord; kala—time; yaya—passes.

As the spiritual master chastises the disciple and teaches him the art of devotional service, so all the ecstatic symptoms of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu-including despondency, moroseness, humility, restlessness, joy, endurance and anger-all instructed His body and mind.

In this way, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu passed His time.