akaitava krsna-prema, yena jambunada-hema, sei prema nrloke na haya
yadi haya tara yoga, na haya tabe viyoga, viyoga haile keha na jiyaya
akaitava krsna-prema—unalloyed love of Krsna; yena—like; jambu-nada-hema—gold from the Jambu River; sei prema—that love of Godhead; nr-loke—in the material world; na haya—is not possible; yadi—if; haya—there is; tara—with it; yoga—connection; na—not; haya—is; tabe—then; viyoga—separation; viyoga—separation; haile—if there is; keha—someone; na jiyaya—cannot live “Pure love for Krsna, just like gold from the Jambu River, does not exist in human society.
If it existed, there could not be separation.
If separation were there, one could not live.”