yeba nahi bujhe keha, sunite sunite seha, ki adbhuta caitanya-carita
krsne upajibe priti, janibe rasera riti, sunilei bada haya hita
yeba—whoever; nahi—does not; bujhe—understand; keha—someone; sunite sunite—hearing and hearing; seha—he; ki—what; adbhuta—wonderful; caitanya-carita—pastimes of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; krsne—unto Krsna; upajibe—will develop; priti—love; janibe—he will understand; rasera—of transcendental mellows; riti—the ways; sunilei—simply by hearing; bada—great; haya—there is; hita—benefit.
If one does not understand in the beginning but continues to hear again and again, the wonderful effects of Lord Caitanya’s pastimes will bring love for Krsna.
Gradually one will come to understand the loving affairs between Krsna and the gopis and other associates of Vrndavana.
Everyone is advised to continue to hear over and over again in order to greatly benefit.