
yuktam ca santi sarvatra

bhasante brahmana yatha

mayam madiyam udgrhya

vadatam kim nu durghatam


yuktam—quite befitting; ca—also; santi—are; sarvatra—everywhere; bhasante—speak; brahmanah—the learned; yatha—as much; mayam—illusion; madiyam—of Me; udgrhya—accepting; vadatam—of the speculators; kim—what; nu—certainly; durghatam—impossible “ ’In almost all cases, whatever learned brahmanas speak becomes accepted; nothing is impossible for one who takes shelter of My illusory energy and speaks under her influence.’ ”


In this verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.22.4), the Supreme Personality of Godhead explains that His illusory energy can perform the impossible; such is the power of the illusory energy.

In many cases philosophical speculators have covered the real truth and have boldly set forth false theories.

In ancient times philosophers like Kapila, Gautama, Jaimini, Kanada and similar brahmanas propounded useless philosophical theories, and in modern days so-called scientists are setting forth many false theories about the creation, backed up by seemingly logical arguments.

This is all due to the influence of the Supreme Lord’s illusory energy.

The illusory energy, therefore, sometimes appears correct because it is emanating from the Supreme Correct.

To avoid the very bewildering illusory influence, one must accept the words of the Supreme Personality of Godhead as they are.

Only then can one escape the influence of the illusory energy.