’suddipta sattvika’ ei nama ye ’pralaya’
nitya-siddha bhakte se ’suddipta bhava’ haya
su-uddipta sattvika—of the name suddipta-sattvika; ei—this; nama—named; ye—which; pralaya—devastation; nitya-siddha—eternally perfected; bhakte—in the devotee; se—that; su-uddipta bhava—ecstasy known as suddipta; haya—becomes manifest.
Upon seeing the sign of suddipta-sattvika, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya could immediately understand the transcendental ecstatic transformation in the body of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Such a sign takes place only in the bodies of eternally liberated devotees.
The word suddipta-sattvika is explained as follows by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura: “The Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu mentions eight kinds of transcendental transformations in the bodies of advanced devotees.
These are sometimes checked by the devotee, and there are two stages of such checking, technically known as dhumayita and jvalita.
The dhumayita (smoking) stage is exhibited when only one or two transformations are slightly present and it is possible to conceal them.
When more than two or three transcendental transformations are manifest and it is still possible to conceal them, although with great difficulty, that stage is called jvalita (lighted).
When four or five symptoms are exhibited, the dipta (blazing) stage has been reached.
When five, six or all eight symptoms are simultaneously manifest, that position is called uddipta (inflamed).
And when all eight symptoms are multiplied a thousand times and are all visible at once, the devotee is in the suddipta (intensely inflamed) stage.
Nitya-siddha-bhakta indicates the eternally liberated associates of the Lord.