
’adhirudha bhava’ yanra, tanra e vikara

manusyera dehe dekhi,--bada camatkara


adhirudha bhava—an ecstasy technically known as adhirudha; yanra—of whom; tanra—of Him; e—this; vikara—transformation; manusyera—of a human being; dehe—in the body; dekhi—I see; bada camatkara—very wonderful.

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya considered, “The uncommon ecstatic symptoms of adhirudha-bhava are appearing in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

This is very wonderful! How are they possible in the body of a human being?”


Adhirudha-bhava, or adhirudha-mahabhava, is explained in the Ujjvala-nilamani, by Srila Rupa Gosvami.

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura quotes Rupa Gosvami as follows: “The loving propensity of the asraya (devotee) toward the visaya (Lord) becomes so ecstatic that even after enjoying the company of the beloved the devotee feels that his enjoyment is insufficient.

At such a time, the lover sees the beloved in different ways.

Such a development of ecstasy is called anuraga.

When anuraga reaches its highest limit and becomes perceivable in the body, it is called bhava.

When the bodily symptoms are not very distinct, however, the emotional state is still called anuraga, not bhava.

When bhava ecstasy is intensified, it is called maha-bhava.