
nirantara inhake vedanta sunaiba

vairagya-advaita-marge pravesa karaiba


nirantara—continuously; inhake—to Him; vedanta—Vedanta philosophy; sunaiba—I shall recite; vairagya—of renunciation; advaita—of monism; marge—on the path; pravesa—entrance; karaiba—I shall cause Him to make “I shall continuously recite Vedanta philosophy before Caitanya Mahaprabhu so that He may remain fixed in His renunciation and thus enter upon the path of monism.”


According to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, among sannyasis the cultivation of Vedanta philosophy helps in becoming detached from sense gratification.

Thus a sannyasi can protect the prestige of wearing a loincloth (kaupina).

One has to practice sense control as well as mind control and subdue the six forces of speech, mind, anger, tongue, belly and genitals.

Then one can become expert in understanding the devotional service of the Lord and thus become a perfect sannyasi.

For that purpose one must cultivate knowledge and renunciation regularly.

When one is attached to material sense gratification, he cannot protect his sannyasa order.

Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya suggested that by the study of vairagya (renunciation) Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu might be saved from the clutches of full-fledged youthful desires.