dasendriye sisya kari’, ’maha-baula’ nama dhari’, sisya lana karila gamana
mora deha sva-sadana, visaya-bhoga maha-dhana, saba chadi’ gela vrndavana
dasa-indriye—the ten senses; sisya kari’-making disciples; maha-baula—of a great mendicant; nama dhari’-taking the name; sisya lana—taking disciples; karila gamana—has gone; mora—My; deha—body; sva-sadana—own home; visaya-bhoga—material enjoyment; maha-dhana—great treasure; saba chadi’-leaving aside everything; gela vrndavana—has gone to Vrndavana "The mystic yogi of My mind has assumed the name Mahabaula and made disciples of My ten senses.
Thus My mind has gone to Vrndavana, leaving aside the home of My body and the great treasure of material enjoyment.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu compares His mind to one of the mystic yogis known as baula, who makes at least ten disciples.