
nrsimha-mandira-bhitara-bahira sodhila

ksaneka visrama kari’ nrtya arambhila


nrsimha-mandira—the temple of Nrsimhadeva; bhitara—inside; bahira—outside; sodhila—cleansed; ksaneka—for a few moments; visrama—rest; kari’—after taking; nrtya—dancing; arambhila—began.

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also cleansed the Nrsimha temple inside and outside.

Finally, He rested a few minutes and then began dancing.


The Nrsimha temple is a nice temple just outside the Gundica temple.

In this temple there is a great festival on the day of Nrsimha-caturdasi.

There is also a Nrsimha temple at Navadvipa where the same festival is observed, as described by Murari Gupta in his book Caitanya-carita.