
praphulla-kamala jini’ nayana-yugala

nilamani-darpana-kanti ganda jhalamala


praphulla-kamala—blossoming lotus flower; jini’—conquering; nayana-yugala—two eyes; nilamani—sapphire; darpana—mirror; kanti—luster; ganda—neck; jhalamala—bright.

The eyes of Lord Jagannatha conquered the beauty of blossoming lotus flowers, and His neck was as lustrous as a mirror made of sapphires.


Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu usually saw Lord Jagannatha from a distance, standing behind the column of Garuda.

But because he had not seen Lord Jagannatha for fifteen days, Caitanya Mahaprabhu felt great separation from Him.

In great anxiety, Caitanya Mahaprabhu crossed the meeting hall and entered the room where food was offered, just to see the face of Lord Jagannatha.

In verse 210, this action is called maryada-langhana, a violation of the regulative principles.

This indicates that one should not come very near a superior.

Both the Lord’s Deity form and the spiritual master should be seen from a distant place.

This is called maryada.

Otherwise, as it is said, familiarity breeds contempt.

Sometimes coming too near the Deity or the spiritual master degrades the neophyte devotee.

Personal servants of the Deity and the spiritual master should therefore always be very careful, for negligence may overcome them in their duty.

Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s eyes have been compared to thirsty bumblebees, and Sri Jagannatha’s eyes have been compared to blossoming lotus flowers.

The author has made these comparisons in order to describe Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu while the Lord was deeply absorbed in ecstatic love for Lord Jagannatha.