
ye madhurira urdhva ana, nahi yara samana, paravyome svarupera gane

yenho saba-avatari, paravyoma-adhikari, e madhurya nahi narayane


ye madhurira—that sweetness; urdhva—higher; ana—another; nahi—there is not; yara samana—equal to which; para-vyome—the spiritual sky; sva-rupera gane—among the expansions of Krsna’s personality; yenho—who; saba-avatari—the source of all the incarnations; para-vyoma-adhikari—the predominating Deity of the Vaikuntha planets; e madhurya—this ecstatic sweetness; nahi—is not; narayane—even in Lord Narayana "The sweetness of Krsna’s beauty enjoyed by the gopis is unparalleled.

Nothing is equal to or greater than such ecstatic sweetness.

Even the predominating Deities of the Vaikuntha planets, the Narayanas, do not possess such sweetness.

Indeed, none of the incarnations of Krsna up to Narayana possess such transcendental beauty.