
tripad-vibhuter dhamatvat

tripad-bhutam hi tat padam

vibhutir mayiki sarva

prokta padatmika yatah


tri-pad-vibhuteh—of the three fourths of the energy; dhamatvat—because of being the abode; tri-pad-bhutam—consisting of three fourths of the energy; hi—certainly; tat padam—that abode; vibhutih—the energy or potency; mayiki—material; sarva—all; prokta—said; pada-atmika—only one fourth; yatah—therefore " ’Because it consists of three fourths of the Lord’s energy, the spiritual world is called tripad-bhuta.

Being a manifestation of one fourth of the Lord’s energy, the material world is called eka-pada.’


This verse is found in Laghu-bhagavatamrta (1.5.286).