
kama-gayatri-mantra-rupa, haya krsnera svarupa, sardha-cabbisa aksara tara haya

se aksara ’candra’ haya, krsne kari’ udaya, trijagat kaila kamamaya


kama-gayatri-mantra-rupa—the hymn known as kama-gayatri; haya—is; krsnera svarupa—identical with Krsna; sardha-cabbisa—twenty-four and a half; aksara—syllables; tara—of that; haya—are; se aksara—these syllables; candra haya—are like the moon; krsne—Lord Krsna; kari’ udaya—awakening; tri-jagat—the three worlds; kaila—made; kama-maya—full of desire "Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is identical with the Vedic hymn known as the kama-gayatri, which is composed of twenty-four and a half syllables.

Those syllables are compared to moons that arise in Krsna.

Thus all three worlds are filled with desire.