karma, tapa, yoga, jnana, vidhi-bhakti, japa, dhyana, iha haite madhurya durlabha
kevala ye raga-marge, bhaje krsne anurage, tare krsna-madhurya sulabha
karma—fruitive activities; tapa—austerities; yoga—the practice of mystic yoga; jnana—speculative cultivation of knowledge; vidhi-bhakti—regulative principles in devotional service; japa—chanting; dhyana—meditation; iha haite—from these things; madhurya—the sweetness of Krsna; durlabha—very difficult to perceive; kevala—only; ye—one; raga-marge—by the path of spontaneous ecstatic love; bhaje—worships; krsne—Lord Krsna; anurage—with transcendental feeling; tare—unto him; krsna-madhurya—the sweetness of Krsna’s; sulabha—very easily appreciated "The transcendental mellows generated from the dealings between the gopis and Krsna cannot be tasted by fruitive activity, yogic austerities, speculative knowledge, regulative devotional service, mantra-yoga or meditation.
This sweetness can be tasted only through the spontaneous love of liberated persons who chant the holy names with great ecstatic love.