tate saksi sei rama, narayanera priyatama, pativrata-ganera upasya
tinho ye madhurya-lobhe, chadi’ saba kama-bhoge, vrata kari’ karila tapasya
tate—in this regard; saksi—the evidence; sei rama—that goddess of fortune; narayanera priya-tama—the most dear consort of Narayana; pati-vrata-ganera—of all chaste women; upasya—worshipable; tinho—she; ye—that; madhurya-lobhe—being attracted by the same sweetness; chadi’-giving up; saba—all; kama-bhoge—to enjoy with Krsna; vrata kari’-taking a vow; karila tapasya—executed austerities "Even the dearest consort of Narayana, the goddess of fortune, who is worshiped by all chaste women, is captivated by the unparalleled sweetness of Krsna.
She even gave up everything in her desire to enjoy Krsna, and taking a great vow, she underwent severe austerities.