
ihan lokaranya, hati, ghoda, ratha-dhvani

tahan pusparanya, bhrnga-pika-nada suni


ihan—at this place, Kuruksetra; loka-aranya—too great a crowd of people; hati—elephants; ghoda—horses; ratha-dhvani—the rattling sound of chariots; tahan—there, in Vrndavana; puspa-aranya—the garden of flowers; bhrnga—of bumblebees; pika—of the birds; nada—sound; suni—I hear "Kuruksetra is crowded with people, their elephants and horses, and the rattling of chariots.

In Vrndavana, however, there are flower gardens, and the humming of the bees and chirping of the birds can be heard.