
rathagrete prabhu yaiche karila nartana

caitanyastake rupa-gosani karyache varnana


ratha-agrete—in front of the car; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; yaiche—as; karila—performed; nartana—dancing; caitanya-astake—in the prayer named Caitanyastaka; rupa-gosani—Rupa Gosvami; karyache—has done; varnana—a vivid description.

In his prayer known as the Caitanyastaka, Srila Rupa Gosvami has given a vivid description of the Lord’s dancing before the car of Jagannatha.


Srila Rupa Gosvami composed three prayers, each with the title Caitanyastaka.

The verse next quoted is from the first of the Caitanyastaka prayers included in the book Stava-mala.