
’prabhu yena nahi janena,--raja amara lagiya

dui-laksa kahana kaudi dileka chadiya


prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; yena—so that; nahi janena—may not think; raja—the King; amara lagiya—for Me-dui-laksa kahana kaudi—200,000 kahanas of kaudis; dileka chadiya—has remitted “The King said,’Speak to the Lord in such a way that He will not think,”For My sake the King has forfeited 200,000 kahanas of kaudis."


The kaudi is like an American cent or Japanese yen.

In the old medium of exchange, the first unit of currency was a small conchshell called a kaudi.

Four kaudis made one ganda, twenty gandas made one pana, and sixteen panas made one kahana.

Gopinatha Pattanayaka owed the government 200,000 kahanas.

The King absolved him of this debt, reappointed him to his post and doubled his salary.