
nutana sangi ha-ibeka,--snigdha yanra mana

aiche yabe pai, tabe la-i ’eka’ jana


nutana—new; sangi—associate; ha-ibeka—must be; snigdha—very peaceful; yanra—whose; mana—mind; aiche—such; yabe—if; pai—I get; tabe—then; la-i—I take; eka jana—one person “Such a person must be a new man, and he must have a peaceful mind.

If I can obtain such a man, I shall agree to take him with Me.”


When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu formerly went to South India, a brahmana named Kala Krsnadasa went with Him.

It was Kala Krsnadasa who fell victim to a woman, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to take the trouble to free him from the clutches of the gypsies.

Therefore the Lord here says that He wants a new man who is peaceful in mind.

One whose mind is not peaceful is agitated by certain drives, especially sex desire, even though he be in the company of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Such a man will become a victim of women and will fall down even in the company of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Maya is so strong that unless one is determined not to fall victim, even the Supreme Personality of Godhead cannot give protection.

The Supreme Lord and His representative always want to give protection, but a person must take advantage of their personal contact.

If one thinks that the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His representative is an ordinary man, he will certainly fall down.

Thus Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not want a person like Kala Krsnadasa to accompany Him.

He wanted someone who was determined, who had a peaceful mind and who was not agitated by ulterior motives.