yadyapi ’sanodiya’ haya seita brahmana
sanodiya-ghare sannyasi na kare bhojana
yadyapi—although; sanodiya—a priest of the Sanodiya community; haya—was; seita—that; brahmana—brahmana; sanodiya-ghare—in the house of a Sanodiya (goldsmith); sannyasi—a person in the renounced order of life; na kare bhojana—does not accept food.
The brahmana belonged to the Sanodiya brahmana community, and a sannyasi does not accept food from such a brahmana.
In northwestern India, vaisyas are divided in various subdivisions.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura points out that they are divided as Agaraoyala, Kalaoyara and Sanoyada.
Out of them, the Agaraoyalas are supposed to be first-class vaisyas, and the Kalaoyaras and Sanoyadas are considered lower due to their occupational degradation.
The Kalaoyaras generally take wine and other intoxicants.
Although they are vaisyas, they are considered to belong to a lower class.
The priests who guide the Kalaoyaras and the Sanoyadas are called Sanodiya brahmanas.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura states that the word sanoyada in Bengal indicates suvarna-vanik.
In Bengal there are priests who guide the suvarna-vanik community, which is also considered a low class.
There is little difference between the Sanoyada and the suvarna-vanik.
Generally the suvarna-vaniks are bankers dealing in gold and silver.
In western India, the Agaraoyalas also belong to the banking profession.
This is the original business of the suvarna-vanik or Agaraoyala community.
Historically, the Agaraoyalas came from the up-country named Ayodha, and the suvarna-vanik community came from Ayodha.
It appears that the suvarna-vaniks and the Agaraoyalas belong to the same community.
The Sanodiya brahmanas were the guides of the Kalaoyara and Sanoyada.
They are therefore considered to be lower-class brahmanas, and a sannyasi is not allowed to take alms or food from them.
However, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted lunch cooked by a Sanodiya brahmana simply because he belonged to Madhavendra Puri’s community.
Srila Madhavendra Puri was the spiritual master of Isvara Puri, who was the spiritual master of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Thus a spiritual relationship is established on the spiritual platform without consideration of material inferiority or superiority.