
ataeva ’krsna-nama’ na aise tara mukhe

mayavadi-gana yate maha bahirmukhe


ataeva—therefore; krsna-nama—the holy name of Krsna; na—does not; aise—come; tara mukhe—in their mouths; mayavadi-gana—all the Mayavadis; yate—because; maha bahih-mukhe—great offenders by dint of strong atheism "Because the Mayavadis are great offenders and atheistic philosophers, the holy name of Krsna does not come from their mouths.


Because they are constantly blaspheming the Supreme Personality of Godhead by saying that He has no head, hands or legs, Mayavadi philosophers remain offenders for many, many births, even though they have partially realized Brahman.

However, if such impersonalists are not offenders at the lotus feet of the Lord, they immediately become devotees in the association of a devotee.

In other words, if an impersonalist is not an offender, he can become a devotee if he gets a chance to associate with other devotees.

If he is an offender, he cannot be converted even by the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very much afraid of this Mayavadi offender; therefore He spoke as follows.