ei-mata nana-sukhe prabhu aila ’kasi’
madhyahna-snana kaila manikarnikaya asi’
ei-mata—in this way; nana-sukhe—in great happiness; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; aila—came; kasi—to the holy place named Kasi; madhyahna-snana—afternoon bath; kaila—took; manikarnikaya—to the bathing place known as Manikarnika; asi’-coming.
Finally the Lord with great happiness arrived at the holy place called Kasi.
There He took His bath in the bathing ghat known as Manikarnika.
Kasi is another name for Varanasi (Benares).
It has been a place of pilgrimage since time immemorial.
Two rivers named Asih and Varuna merge there.
Manikarnika is famous because, according to the opinion of great personalities, a bejeweled earring fell there from the ear of Lord Visnu.
According to some, it fell from the ear of Lord Siva.
The word mani means “jewel,” and karnika means “from the ear.” According to some, Lord Visvanatha is the great physician who cures the disease of material existence by delivering a person through the ear, which receives the vibration of the holy name of Lord Rama.
Because of this, this holy place is called Mani-karnika.
It is said that there is no better place than where the River Ganges flows, and the bathing ghat known as Manikarnika is especially sanctified because it is very dear to Lord Visvanatha.
In the Kasi-khanda it is said: samsari-cintamanir atra yasmat tarakam sajjana-karnikayam sivo ’bhidhatte saha-santa-kale tad giyate ’sau mani-karniketi mukti-laksmi maha-pitha-manis tac caranabjayoh karnikeyam tatah prahur yam jana mani-karnikam.
According to the Kasi-khanda, if one gives up his body at Manikarnika, he is liberated simply by remembering Lord Siva’s name.