svarupa kahe,--"krsna-lilara nataka karite
vraja-lila-pura-lila ekatra varnite
svarupa kahe—Svarupa Damodara replied on behalf of Rupa Gosvami; krsna-lilara—of the pastimes of Lord Krsna; nataka karite—composing a drama; vraja-lila-pura-lila—His pastimes in Vrndavana and His pastimes in Mathura and Dvaraka; ekatra—in one book; varnite—to describe.
Svarupa Damodara replied for Srila Rupa Gosvami: "He wanted to compose a drama about the pastimes of Lord Krsna.
He planned to describe in one book both the pastimes of Vrndavana and those of Dvaraka and Mathura.