kula-varatanu-dharma-grava-vrndani bhindan
sumukhi nisita-dirghapanga-tanka-cchatabhih
yugapad ayam apurvah kah puro visva-karma
marakata-mani-laksair gostha-kaksam cinoti
kula-varatanu—of the family women; dharma—in the form of dedication to the husband, etc.; grava-vrndani—the stones; bhindan—splitting; sumukhi—O beautiful-faced one; nisita—sharp; dirgha-apanga—in the form of long outer corners of the eyes; tanka-chatabhih—by chisels; yugapat—simultaneously; ayam—this; apurvah—unprecedented; kah—who; purah—in front; visva-karma—creative person; marakata-mani-laksaih—with countless emeralds; gostha-kaksam—a private room for meeting; cinoti—He is constructing ’O beautiful-faced one, who is this creative person standing before us? With the sharp chisels of His loving glances, He is splitting the hard stones of many women’s devotion to their husbands.
And with the luster of His body, surpassing the brilliance of countless emeralds, He is simultaneously constructing private meeting places for His pastimes.’
This verse (Lalita-madhava 1.52) is spoken by Radharani to Lalitadevi.