balad aksnor laksmih kavalayati navyam kuvalayam
mukhollasah phullam kamala-vanam ullanghayati ca
dasam kastam asta-padam api nayaty angika-rucir
vicitram radhayah kim api kila rupam vilasati
balat—by force; aksnoh—of the two eyes; laksmih—the beauty; kavalayati—devours; navyam—newly awakened; kuvalayam—lotus flower; mukha-ullasah—the beauty of the face; phullam—fructified; kamala-vanam—a forest of lotus flowers; ullanghayati—surpasses; ca—also; dasam—to a situation; kastam—painful; asta-padam—gold; api—even; nayati—brings; angika-rucih—the luster of the body; vicitram—wonderful; radhayah—of Srimati Radharani; kim api—some; kila—certainly; rupam—the beauty; vilasati—manifests.
The beauty of Srimati Radharani’s eyes forcibly devours the beauty of newly grown blue lotus flowers, and the beauty of Her face surpasses that of an entire forest of fully blossomed lotuses.
Her bodily luster seems to place even gold in a painful situation.
Thus the wonderful, unprecedented beauty of Srimati Radharani is awakening in Vrndavana.’
This verse is from Vidagdha-madhava (1.32).
It is spoken by Paurnamasi.