sakhi murali visala-cchidra-jalena purna
laghur atikathina tvam granthila nirasasi
tad api bhajasi svasvac cumbanananda-sandram
hari-kara-parirambham kena punyodayena
sakhi murali—O dear friend the flute; visala-chidra-jalena—with so many big holes in your body (in other words, full of chidra, which also means “faults”); purna—full; laghuh—very light; atikathina—very hard in constitution; tvam—you; granthila—full of knots; nirasa—without juice; asi—are; tat api—therefore; bhajasi—you obtain through service; svasvat—continuously; cumbana-ananda—the transcendental bliss of kissing by the Lord; sandram—intense; hari-kara-parirambham—embracing by the hands of Sri Krsna; kena—by what; punya-udayena—means of pious activities.
My dear friend the flute, you are actually full of many holes or faults.
You are light, hard, juiceless and full of knots.
But what kind of pious activities have engaged you in the service of being kissed by the Lord and embraced by His hands?’
This verse (Vidagdha-madhava 4.7) is spoken by Candravali-sakhi, the gopi competitor of Srimati Radharani.