
sri-rupa, sanatana bhatta-raghunatha

sri-jiva, gopala-bhatta, dasa-raghunatha

ei chaya gurura karon carana vandana

yaha haite vighna-nasa, abhista-purana


sri-rupa—of the name Sri Rupa; sanatana—of the name Sanatana; bhatta-raghunatha—of the name Bhatta Raghunatha; sri-jiva—of the name Sri Jiva; gopala-bhatta—of the name Gopala Bhatta; dasa-raghunatha—of the name Dasa Raghunatha; ei—these six; gurura—of spiritual masters; karon—I offer; carana vandana—prayers to the lotus feet; yaha—from which; vighna-nasa—destruction of all impediments; abhista-purana—fulfillment of desires.

I pray to the lotus feet of the six Gosvamis-Sri Rupa, Sanatana, Bhatta Raghunatha, Sri Jiva, Gopala Bhatta and Dasa Raghunatha-so that all impediments to my writing this literature will be annihilated and my real desire will be fulfilled.


If one wants to benefit the entire world, he will certainly find persons like hogs and pigs who will put forward many impediments.

That is natural.

But if a devotee seeks shelter at the lotus feet of the six Gosvamis, the merciful Gosvamis will certainly give the Lord’s servitor all protection.

It is not astonishing that impediments are placed before those who are spreading the Krsna consciousness movement all over the world.

Nevertheless, if we adhere to the lotus feet of the six Gosvamis and pray for their mercy, all impediments will be annihilated, and the transcendental devotional desire to serve the Supreme Lord will be fulfilled.