akarunyah krsno yadi mayi tavagah katham idam
mudha ma rodir me kuru param imam uttara-krtim
tamalasya skandhe vinihita-bhuja-vallarir iyam
yatha vrndaranye ciram avicala tisthati tanuh
akarunyah—very cruel; krsnah—Lord Krsna; yadi—if; mayi—unto Me; tava—your; agah—offense; katham—how; idam—this; mudha—uselessly; ma rodih—do not cry; me-for Me; kuru—do; param—but afterwards; imam—this; uttara-krtim—final act; tamalasya—of a tamala tree; skandhe—the trunk; vinihita—fixed upon; bhuja-vallarih—arms like creepers; iyam—this; yatha—as far as possible; vrnda-aranye—in the forest of Vrndavana; ciram—forever; avicala—without being disturbed; tisthati—remains; tanuh—the body.
Srimati Radharani said to Her constant companion Visakha: “My dear friend, if Krsna is unkind to Me, there will be no need for you to cry, for it wiIl not be due to any fault of yours.
I shall then have to die, but afterwards please do one thing for Me: to observe My funeral ceremony, place My body with its arms embracing a tamala tree like creepers so that I may remain forever in Vrndavana undisturbed.
That is My last request.”(Vidagdha-madhava 2.47)