
sarvajna nityananda aila tara ghare

asiya vasila durga-mandapa-upare


sarva-jna—omniscient; nityananda—Lord Nityananda; aila—came; tara ghare—at his house; asiya—coming; vasila—sat down; durga-mandapa-upare—on the altar of the Durga-mandapa.

Lord Nityananda, who is omniscient because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, came to the house of Ramacandra Khan and sat down on the altar of the Durga-mandapa.


Well-to-do Hindu gentlemen constructed their houses with a place called the Durga-mandapa for the worship of the goddess Durga.

There they generally held worship of the goddess every year in the month of Asvina (October).

Ramacandra Khan possessed such a Durga-mandapa at his residence.