damstri-damstrahato mleccho
ha rameti punah punah
uktvapi muktim apnoti
kim punah sraddhaya grnan
damstri—of a boar; damstra—by the teeth; ahatah—killed; mlecchah—a meat-eater; ha—O; rama-my Lord Rama; iti—thus; punah punah—again and again; uktva—saying; api—even; muktim—liberation; apnoti—gets; kim—what; punah—again; sraddhaya—with faith and veneration; grnan—chanting “Even a mleccha who is being killed by the tusk of a boar and who cries in distress again and again, ”ha rama, ha rama“ attains liberation.
What then to speak of those who chant the holy name with veneration and faith?”
This refers to an instance in which a meat-eater being killed by a boar uttered the words “ha rama, ha rama”again and again at the time of his death.
Since this is a quotation from the Nrsimha Purana, this indicates that in the puranic age there must also have been mlecchas and yavanas (meateaters), and the words “ha rama,, meaning ”condemned,“ were also uttered in those days.