
na caivam vismayah karyo

bhavata bhagavaty aje

yogesvaresvare krsne

yata etad vimucyate


na—not; ca—also; evam—thus; vismayah—wonder; karyah—to be done; bhavata—by You; bhagavati—unto the Supreme personality of Godhead; aje—the unborn; yoga-isvara-isvare—the master of all masters of mystic power; krsne—unto Lord Krsna; yatah—by whom; etat—all living entities; vimucyate—are delivered "Krsna, the unborn Supreme Personality of Godhead, master of all of the masters of mystic power, delivers all living entities, moving and nonmoving.

Nothing is astonishing in the activities of the Lord.’


This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.29.16).