sambhavanam tava parivradhima-svabhavam
maya-balena bhavatapi niguhyamanam
pasyanti kecid anisam tvad-ananya-bhavah
ullanghita—passed over; tri-vidha—three kinds; sima—the limitations; sama—of equal; atisayi—and of excelling; sambhavanam—by which the adequacy; tava—Your; parivradhima—of supremacy; sva-bhavam—the real nature; maya-balena—by the strength of the illusory energy; bhavata—Your; api—although; niguhyamanam—being hidden; pasyanti—they see; kecit—some; anisam—always; tvat—to You; ananya-bhavah—those who are exclusively devoted;
“O my Lord, everything within material nature is limited by time, space and thought.
Your characteristics, however, being unequaled and unsurpassed, are always transcendental to such limitations.
You sometimes cover such characteristics by Your own energy, but nevertheless Your unalloyed devotees are always able to see You under all circumstances.”