namaikam yasya vaci smarana-patha-gatam srotra-mulam gatam va
suddham vasuddha-varnam vyavahita-rahitam tarayaty eva satyam
tac ced deha-dravina-janata-lobha-pasanda-madhye
niksiptam syan na phala-janakam sighram evatra vipra
nama—the holy name; ekam—once; yasya—whose; vaci—in the mouth; smarana-patha-gatam—entered the path of remembrance; srotra-mulam gatam—entered the roots of the ears; va—or; suddham—pure; va—or; asuddha-varnam—impurely uttered; vyavahita-rahitam—without offenses or without being separated; tarayati—delivers; eva—certainly; satyam—truly; tat—that name; cet—if; deha—the material body; dravina—material opulence; janata—public support; lobha—greed; pasanda—atheism; madhye—toward; niksiptam—directed; syat—may be; na—not; phala-janakam—producing the results; sighram—quickly; eva—certainly; atra—in this matter; vipra—O brahmana “If a devotee once utters the holy name of the Lord, or if it penetrates his mind or enters his ear, which is the channel of aural reception, that holy name will certainly deliver him from material bondage, whether vibrated properly or improperly, with correct or incorrect grammar, and properly joined or vibrated in separate parts.
O brahmana, the potency of the holy name is therefore certainly great.
However, if one uses the vibration of the holy name for the benefit of the material body, for material wealth and followers, or under the influence of greed or atheism-in other words, if one utters the name with offenses-such chanting will not produce the desired result very soon.
Therefore one should diligently avoid offenses in chanting the holy name of the Lord.’ ”
This verse from the Padma Purana is included in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa (11.527) by Sanatana Gosvami.
Therein Srila Sanatana Gosvami gives the following explanation:
vaci gatam prasangad van-madhye pravrttam api, smarana-patha-gatam kathancin manah-sprstam api, srotra-mulam gatam kincit srutam api; suddha-varnam va asuddha-varnam api va; ’vyavahitam’ sabdantarena yad-vyavadhanam vaksyamana-narayana-sabdasya kincid uccarananantaram prasangad apatitam sabdantaram tena rahitam sat.
This means that if one somehow or other hears, utters or remembers the holy name, or if it catches his mind while coming near his ears, that holy name, even if vibrated in separate words, will act.
An example of such separation is given as follows:
yadva, yadyapi ’halam riktam’ ity ady-uktau hakara-rikarayor vrttya hariti-namasty eva, tatha ’raja-mahisi’ ity atra rama-namapi, evam anyad apy uhyam, tathapi tat-tan-nama-madhye vyavadhayakam aksarantaram astity etadrsa-vyavadhana-rahitam ity arthah; yadva, vyavahitam ca tad-rahitam capi va; tatra ’vyavahitam’--namnah kincid uccarananantaram kathancid apatitam sabdantaram samadhaya pascan namavasistaksara-grahanam ity evam rupam, madhye sabdantarenantaritam ity arthah, ’rahitam’ pascad avasistaksara-grahana-varjitam, kenacid amsena hinam ity arthah, tathapi tarayaty eva.
Suppose one is using the two words “halam riktam.” Now the syllable ha in the word “halam” and the syllable ri in “riktam” are separately pronounced, but nevertheless it will act because one somehow or other utters the word “hari.” Similarly, in the word “raja-mahisi,” the syllables ra and ma appear in two separate words, but because they somehow or other appear together, the holy name rama will act, provided there are no offenses sarvebhyah papebhyo ’paradhebhyas ca samsarad apy uddharayaty eveti satyam eva; kintu nama-sevanasya mukhyam yat phalam, tan na sadyah sampadyate tatha deha-bharanady-artham api nama-sevanena mukhyam phalam asu na sidhyatity aha--tac ced iti.
The holy name has so much spiritual potency that it can deliver one from all sinful reactions and material entanglements, but utterance of the holy name will not be very soon fruitful if done to facilitate sinning tan nama ced yadi dehadi-madhye niksiptam--deha-bharanady-artham eva vinyastam, tadapi phala-janakam na bhavati kim? api tu bhavaty eva, kintu atra iha loke sighram na bhavati, kintu vilambenaiva bhavatity arthah.
The holy name is so powerful that it must act, but when one utters the holy name with offenses, its action will be delayed, not immediate, although in favorable circumstances the holy names of the Lord act very quickly.