
“aham eva”-sloke ’aham’-tina-bara

purnaisvarya sri-vigraha-sthitira nirdhara


aham eva—I only; sloke—in this verse; aham—the word aham; tina-bara—three times; purna-aisvarya—full of all opulences; sri-vigraha—of the transcendental form of the Lord; sthitira—of the existence; nirdhara—confirmation “ ’In the verse beginning ”aham eva,“ the word ”aham“ is expressed three times.

In the beginning there are the words ”aham eva.“ In the second line there are the words ”pascad aham.“ At the end are the words ”so’ smy aham.“ This ”aham“ indicates the Supreme Person.

By the repetition of ”aham," the transcendental personality who is complete with six opulences is confirmed.