
e amrta kara pana, yara sama nahi ana, citte kari’ sudrdha visvasa

na pada’ kutarka-garte, amedhya karkasa avarte, yate padile haya sarva-nasa


e amrta kara pana—all of you must drink this nectar; yara sama nahi ana—there is no comparison to this nectar; citte—within the mind; kari’ sudrdha visvasa—having firm faith in this conclusion; na pada’ kutarka garte—do not fall down into the pit of false arguments; amedhya karkasa avarte—in the untouchable, harsh whirlpool; yate—in which; padile—if one falls down; haya sarva-nasa—the purpose of life will be spoiled.

The readers should relish this wonderful nectar because nothing compares to it.

Keeping their faith firmly fixed within their minds, they should be careful not to fall into the pit of false arguments or the whirlpools of unfortunate situations.

If one falls into such positions, he is finished.