
ei amrta anuksana, sadhu mahanta-megha-gana, visvodyane kare varisana

tate phale amrta-phala, bhakta khaya nirantara, tara sese jiye jaga-jana


ei amrta—this nectar; anuksana—continuously; sadhu mahanta-megha-gana—pure devotees and saintly persons, who are compared to clouds; visva-udyane—in the garden of the universe; kare varisana—rain down these nectarean pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Lord Sri Krsna; tate—because of that; phale—grows; amrta-phala—the fruit of nectar; bhakta khaya nirantara—and the devotees eat such fruit continuously; tara sese—after their eating; jiye jaga-jana—the living entities all over the world live peacefully.

The devotees who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu take the responsibility for distributing nectarean devotional service all over the world.

They are like clouds pouring water on the ground that nourishes the fruit of love of Godhead in this world.

The devotees eat that fruit to their hearts’ content, and whatever remnants they leave are eaten by the general populace.

Thus they live happily.