nana-bhavera bhakta-jana, hamsa-cakravaka-gana, yate sabe’ karena vihara
krsna-keli sumrnala, yaha pai sarva-kala, bhakta-hamsa karaye ahara
nana-bhavera bhakta-jana—devotees relishing relationships with Krsna in different ecstasies; hamsa-cakravaka-gana—compared to swans and cakravaka birds; yate—in that place; sabe’-all; karena vihara—enjoy life; krsna-keli—the pastimes of Krsna; su-mrnala—sweet buds; yaha pai—which one can get; sarva-kala—eternally; bhakta-hamsa—the devotees, who are just like swans; karaye—do; ahara—eating.
The devotees who have a relationship with Krsna are like the swans and cakravaka birds that play in the forest of lotus flowers.
The buds of those lotus flowers are the pastimes of Krsna, and they are edibles for the swanlike devotees.
Lord Sri Krsna is always engaged in His transcendental pastimes; therefore the devotees, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, can always eat those lotus buds, for they are the pastimes of the Lord.