
ei-mata brahmanda-madhye sabara ’parakasa’

sapta-dvipe nava-khande yanhara vilasa


ei-mata—in this way; brahmanda-madhye—within this universe; sabara—of all of Them; parakasa—manifestations; sapta-dvipe—on seven islands; nava-khande—in different sections, nine in number; yanhara vilasa—the pastimes of whom "Within the universe the Lord is situated in different spiritual manifestations.

These are situated on seven islands in nine sections.

Thus Their pastimes are going on.


The seven islands are mentioned in the Siddhanta-siromani:

bhumer ardham ksira-sindhor udaka-stham

jambu-dvipam prahur acarya-varyah

ardhe ’nyasmin dvipa-satkasya yamye

ksara-ksirady-ambudhinam nivesah

sakam tatah salmala-matra kausam

krauncam ca go-medaka-puskare ca

dvayor dvayor antaram ekam ekam

samudrayor dvipam udaharanti The seven islands (dvipas) are known as (1) Jambu, (2) Saka, (3) Salmali, (4) Kusa, (5) Kraunca, (6) Gomeda, or Plaksa, and (7) Puskara.

The planets are called dvipa.

Outer space is like an ocean of air just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvipas, or islands in outer space.

There are nine khandas, known as (1) Bharata, (2) Kinnara, (3) Hari, (4) Kuru, (5) Hiranmaya, (6) Ramyaka, (7) Ilavrta, (8) Bhadrasva and (9) Ketumala.

These are different parts of the Jambudvipa.

A valley between two mountains is called a khanda or varsa.