
purve yaiche raya-pase prabhu prasna kaila

tanra saktye ramananda tanra uttara dila

ihan prabhura saktye prasna kare sanatana

apane mahaprabhu kare ’tattva’-nirupana


purve—formerly; yaiche—as; raya-pase—unto Ramananda Raya; prabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; prasna kaila—inquired; tanra saktye—only by His mercy; ramananda—Ramananda Raya; tanra—his; uttara—answers; dila—gave; ihan—here; prabhura—of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; saktye—by the strength; prasna—questions; kare—puts; sanatana—Sanatana Gosvami; apane—personally; mahaprabhu—Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; kare—does; tattva—the truth; nirupana—discerning.

Formerly, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Ramananda Raya spiritual questions, and by the Lord’s causeless mercy, Ramananda Raya could properly reply.

Now, by the Lord’s mercy, Sanatana Gosvami questioned the Lord, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally supplied the truth.