
bhasvan yathasma-sakalesu nijesu tejah

sviyam kiyat prakatayaty api tadvad atra

brahma ya esa jagad-anda-vidhana-karta

govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami


bhasvan—the illuminating sun; yatha—as; asma-sakalesu—in various types of precious stones; nijesu—his own; tejah—brilliance; sviyam—his own; kiyat—to some extent; prakatayati—manifests; api—also; tadvat—similarly; atra—here; brahma—Lord Brahma; yah—who is; esah—the Lord; jagat-anda-vidhana-karta—becomes the chief of the universe; govindam adi-purusam—Lord Govinda, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead; tam—Him; aham—I; bhajami—worship " ’The sun manifests his brilliance in a gem, although it is stone.

Similarly, the original Personality of Godhead, Govinda, manifests His special power in a pious living entity.

Thus the living entity becomes Brahma and manages the affairs of the universe.

Let me worship Govinda, the original Personality of Godhead.’


This is a quotation from Brahma-samhita (5.49).