aksnoh phalam tvadrsa-darsanam hi
tanoh phalam tvadrsa-gatra-sangah
jihva-phalam tvadrsa-kirtanam hi
sudurlabha bhagavata hi loke
aksnoh—of the eyes; phalam—the perfect result of the action; tva-drsa—a person like you; darsanam—to see; hi—certainly; tanoh—of the body; phalam—the perfection of activities; tva-drsa—of a person like you; gatra-sangah—touching the body; jihva-phalam—the perfection of the tongue; tva-drsa—a person like you; kirtanam—glorifying; hi—certainly; su-durlabhah—very rare; bhagavatah—pure devotees of the Lord; hi—certainly; loke—in this world “ ’My dear Vaisnava, seeing a person like you is the perfection of one’s eyesight.
Touching your lotus feet is the perfection of the sense of touch.
Glorifying your good qualities is the tongue’s real activity, for in the material world it is very difficult to find a pure devotee of the Lord.’ ”