sahasra-patram kamalam
gokulakhyam mahat-padam
tat-karnikaram tad-dhama
tad anantamsa-sambhavam
sahasra-patram—with thousands of petals; kamalam—resembling a lotus flower; gokula-akhyam—named Gokula; mahat-padam—the supreme abode; tat-karnikaram—the whorl of that lotus flower; tat-dhama—the abode of the Lord; tat—that; ananta-amsa—from the expansion of energy of Ananta; sambhavam—creation " ’Gokula, the supreme abode and planet, appears like a lotus flower that has a thousand petals.
The whorl of that lotus is the abode of the Supreme Lord, Krsna.
This lotus-shaped supreme abode is created by the will of Lord Ananta.’
This verse is quoted from Brahma-samhita (5.2).